target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2022 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US48061522

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed IoT Connectivity Services 2022 Vendor Assessment

By:  Sandra Wendelken


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This IDC study presents a worldwide vendor assessment of managed IoT connectivity services providers, looking specifically at how they are addressing the demand for global IoT connectivity services and connectivity management platforms to manage and analyze IoT device fleets. In this assessment, the IDC MarketScape model was used to evaluate both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights that define success in the managed IoT connectivity services market. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses each vendor relative to the criteria and to one another.

"Competition within the managed IoT connectivity services market is ramping up as new MVNOs enter the field of providers with innovations and cutthroat pricing," says Sandra Wendelken, senior research analyst, Mobile and IoT Services at IDC. "Mobile network operators are being forced to deploy new pricing models and enhance customer service to better compete with the IoT MVNOs and other managed IoT connectivity service providers."


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