target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51126223

The Impact of Technology on Wholesale Distribution: How Technology Is Changing the Way Distributors Do Business

By:  Roderick Gaines Loading


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This IDC Perspective shares an overview of the wholesale distribution sector that is currently experiencing significant transformations because of the convergence of various factors that are affecting revenue. The rise of ecommerce, the emergence of direct-to-consumer channels, disturbances in the supply chain, and increased focus on sustainability are all posing challenges to the established conventions.

"To stay relevant and remain competitive, wholesale distributors must now view the adaptation to these factors as obligatory, rather than optional. Through the embracement of change, utilization of technology, and the formation of strategic alliances, distributors can effectively manage these disturbances and explore fresh opportunities for expansion within a continuously changing market environment." — Roderick Gaines, research director, Worldwide Supply Chain Strategies: Warehousing, Inventory and Order Management at IDC


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