target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51179123

Augmented Reality Headset and Glasses Attribute Importance and Satisfaction: 2023

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC Survey analyzes the current market for augmented reality (AR) at work in the United States. IDC polled 349 IT decision makers on their experiences deploying augmented reality hardware, software, and services. This includes how important they thought certain AR headset and glasses attributes were and how satisfied they were with respect to those same attributes.

"As more organizations deploy augmented reality headsets and glasses, users are quickly finding how their needs are being fulfilled," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented and Virtual Reality team. "Overall, there seems to be strong alignment between what users want and what brands can fulfill. That's important right now as deployment is still low and companies are still learning not only how to use AR but how to make it work best for their organization."

Of course, different brands fared differently, both against the overall average and against feedback from their own users. As a result, each of them can pinpoint where they need to improve and where their competition appears to excel. "At this stage of the market, AR brands are scrambling to attain and retain as many customers as possible," continues Llamas. "An examination of what their customers say is important and how satisfied they are can reveal how best to improve their own AR experience. Likewise, they can also see who else does well and see if there are any best practices to leverage."


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