target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2021 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US48298220

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Supply Chain 2022 Predictions


  • Jan Burian Loading
  • Simon Ellis Loading
  • Jordan K. Speer Loading
  • Alison Close
  • Mickey North Rizza Loading
  • Aly Pinder Loading
  • Stephanie Krishnan Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC FutureScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Supply Chain 2022 Top 10 Predictions

  • Executive Summary

  • IDC FutureScape Predictions

    • Summary of External Drivers

    • Predictions: Impact on Technology Buyers

    • Prediction 1: By the End of 2022, Half of All Manufacturing Supply Chains Will See the Benefits of Supply Chain Resiliency, Resulting in a 10% Reduction in Disruption Impact

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 2: By 2023, 50% of All Supply Chain Forecasts Will Be Automated Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence, Improving Accuracy by 5 Percentage Points

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 3: By 2024, to Improve Long-Term Supply Chain Profitability, 70% of Manufacturers in Global Supply Chains Will Invest in Software Tools to Support Sustainability and Circular Economy Business Models

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 4: By 2025, 30% of All Direct Procurement Transactions Will Be Based upon Capacity Availability Instead of Units or Volume

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 5: Resulting from Pressure to Improve Service, by 2026, 60% of G2000 OEMs Will Establish a Service Parts Control Tower Approach Increasing First-Time Fix by 35% and Shrinking Spares Inventory by 12%

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 6: By the End of 2022, Chronic Worker Shortages Will Prompt 75% of Supply Chain Organizations to Prioritize Automation Investments Resulting in Productivity Improvements of 10%

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 7: To Improve Delivery Speed, Agility, and Visibility for B2B and B2C Customers, 35% of Manufacturers Will Invest in Order Management Software by 2024, Resulting in a 25% Improvement in OTIF Fulfillment

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 8: By 2025, 40% of G2000 Organizations Will Invest in Supply Chain Systems to Increase Information and Inventory Velocity to Improve Last-Mile Delivery Efficiency and Boost Customer Experience

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 9: By 2026, as Part of Long-Term Resiliency Planning, 30% of Logistics Companies Will Have Geo-Diversified Their Manufacturing Hubs and Suppliers to Supplement Current Supply Chain Operations

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 10: By 2024, the Adoption of Cloud in the Supply Chain Will Grow by 25 Percentage Points Driven in Part by the Specter of Cyberthreats

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • External Drivers: Detail

    • Digital Ecosystem — Thriving in a Multiplatform World

    • Description

    • Context

    • Embracing Digital First — New Strategies for Complexity and Ubiquity

    • Description

    • Context

    • Globalization 2.0 — Shifting Strategies for Materials, Machines, and Workers

    • Description

    • Context

    • Intelligence on Demand — Navigating the Torrent of Data

    • Description

    • Context

    • Pervasive Disruption Continues — Volatility, Opportunity, and Resilience

    • Description

    • Context

    • The Future Enterprise — Thriving in a Jungle of Agile Innovation

    • Description

    • Context

    • The Velocity of Connectedness — The Future Is Data in Motion

    • Description

    • Context

  • Learn More