target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US49472523

Worldwide Mobile and Handheld Gaming Forecast, 2023–2027: Mobile Gaming Adjusts to Its First-Ever Spending Drop

By:  Lewis Ward Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: Worldwide Smartphone and Slate Tablet Gaming Revenue Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • Figure: Worldwide Mobile Game Downloads by Major OS, 2021 and 2022

  • Market Forecast

    • Worldwide Forecast

    • Local Mobile and Handheld Gaming Revenue

    • Table: Worldwide Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Game Revenue and Handheld Game Console Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027 ($M)

    • Figure: Worldwide Local Mobile Game Spending Share by Major OS, 2022

    • Mobile Cloud-Streamed Game and Browser-Based Instant/HTML5/.IO Gaming Revenue

    • Worldwide Mobile Gaming Device Installed Bases, Gamers, and ARPU

    • Table: Worldwide Gaming Smartphone and Tablet Installed Base, Gamers, and ARPU, 2017–2027

    • Figure: Worldwide Consumer Smartphone and Tablet Installed Base by Major OS, 2017–2027

    • Figure: Worldwide Mobile Gamer ARPU by Region, 2022–2027

    • Worldwide Handheld Console Shipments, Installed Bases, Gamers, and ARPU

    • Table: Worldwide Handheld Game Console Hardware and Full Game Software Shipments, Installed Base, Gamers and Gamer ARPU, and Hardware ASP, 2017–2027 (000)

    • Figure: Worldwide Handheld Game Console Revenue Share by Region, 2022–2027

    • North America Forecast

    • Table: North America Mobile Gaming Installed Base and Gamers and Handheld Game Console Hardware and Full Game Shipments, Installed Base, and Gamers, 2017–2027 (000)

    • Table: North America Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Revenue and Handheld Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027 ($M)

    • Western Europe Forecast

    • Table: Western Europe Mobile Gaming Installed Base and Gamers and Handheld Game Console Hardware and Full Game Shipments, Installed Base, and Gamers, 2017–2027 (000)

    • Table: Western Europe Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Game Revenue and Handheld Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027 ($M)

    • Asia/Pacific Forecast

    • Table: Asia/Pacific (Including Japan) Mobile Gaming Installed Base and Gamers and Handheld Game Console Hardware and Full Game Shipments, Installed Base, and Gamers, 2017–2027 (000)

    • Table: Asia/Pacific (Including Japan) Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Software and Handheld Game Console Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027 ($M)

    • Rest of World Forecast

    • Table: Rest of World Mobile Gaming Installed Base and Gamers and Handheld Game Console Hardware and Full Game Shipments, Installed Base, and Gamers, 2017–2027 (000)

    • Table: Rest of World Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Software and Handheld Game Console Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027 ($M)

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • 5G Devices, Networks, and Services

    • The IAA Business Model

    • Inhibitors

    • Denouement of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Weak Near-Term Macroeconomic Conditions

    • China's Gaming Crackdown

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

    • Figure: Worldwide Smartphone, Tablet, and Handheld Game Console Software and Handheld Game Console Hardware Revenue, 2017–2027: Comparison of March 2022 and March 2023 Forecasts

  • Market Definition

  • Methodology

  • Related Research