Tom Mainelli

Group Vice President, Device & Consumer Research

  • By: 

    • Philip D. Harris, CISSP, CCSK Loading
    • Craig Robinson Loading
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses the aftermath of the CrowdStrike agent content update IT outage. Organizations around the world are struggling in the aftermath of the Microsoft and CrowdStrike disruptions as these combined events disabled mi...
  • By:  Tom Mainelli Loading

    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides a view of the worldwide augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) markets, inclusive of headsets, software, and services."The headset market overall has experienced consecutive unit volume...
  • By: 

    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides C-suite tech and business leaders with guidance to ensure that computing and storage decisions made to support AI proof-of-concept (POC) trials are designed in a way that ensures production-scale de...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Augmented and Virtual Reality Market, 2024


    Tom Mainelli Loading


    Software, Consumer, Applications, Hardware, Mobile phone, Online gaming, Mobile consumer devices, Mobility, Wearables, Augmented and virtual reality, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Analysis Perspective Tech Supplier

  • Worldwide Augmented Reality Hardware Market Shares Full Year, 2023


    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Ramon T. Llamas Loading


    Software, Consumer, Applications, Hardware, Mobile phone, Online gaming, Mobile consumer devices, Mobility, Wearables, Augmented and virtual reality, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Share Tech Supplier

  • Worldwide Virtual Reality Hardware Market Share, Full Year 2023


    • Ramon T. Llamas Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading


    Software, Consumer, Applications, Hardware, Mobile phone, Online gaming, Mobile consumer devices, Mobility, Wearables, Augmented and virtual reality, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Share Tech Supplier

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