target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151907724

Digital Payments in Retail: Streamlining the Omni-Channel Customer Journey


  • Cristiano Quattrini
  • Filippo Battaini Loading


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This IDC Perspective explores the transformative impact of digital payment methods on the retail landscape, delving into the widespread adoption of existing and emerging technologies, their implications for consumer behavior, and the strategic leveraging of transaction data for personalized marketing and enhanced customer engagement.

"In the dynamic landscape of retail, the adoption of digital payment methods transcends mere choice; it stands as a strategic imperative. Through the seamless integration of these technologies, companies can reshape the shopping experience and gain access to a wealth of consumer insights. This empowers them to customize offerings, foster enduring relationships, and maintain a competitive edge in an ever-evolving market," said Cristiano Quattrini, senior associate advisor at IDC Retail Insights.


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