Analyst Location



Cloud services


Asia Pacific

Qijin Chen

Market Analyst

  • By:  Qijin Chen Loading

    This IDC study investigates the development dynamics, competition landscape, and future development trends of China's overall dedicated cloud services market based on interviews with major cloud SPs in China and secondary data, analyzes the...
  • By: 

    • Rachel Liu Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Qijin Chen Loading
    本报告是IDC FutureScape全球云计算2023年预测的中国启示,报告提供了中国云计算市场发展概述,以及云计算行业发展预测阐述,包括主权云、智能运营、部署一致性、多云数据管理、云广域网络、专用高性能基础设施、网络恢复即服务、云的可持续性、AI驱动的应用开发、成本优化策略10项预测,以及每项预测对于IT方面的影响,并为技术买家提供了采用和部署这些技术的建议,可供中国企业在制定云发展战略和数字化转型策略时参考。