target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC TechBrief - Doc  Document number: # US50105623

IDC TechBrief: Healthcare Metaverse

By:  Mutaz Shegewi Loading


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This IDC TechBrief helps technology buyers come quickly up to speed on the healthcare metaverse. It introduces and describes the healthcare metaverse, offers adoption viewpoints when undertaking such initiatives, and covers the metrics that matter. This document also includes a technology risk profile, outlines critical success factors, and shares examples of product solutions.

"The metaverse is still in its early days across all industries, not just healthcare, but early adopters are actively exploring its benefits mostly through XR-related use cases," says Mutaz Shegewi, research director, Worldwide Healthcare Provider Digital Strategies at IDC Health Insights. " One might question how this new potential frontier for healthcare can take shape amid inflationary conditions and challenges ranging from worker shortages to razor-thin profit margins and a range of COVID-19 pandemic aftershocks. The answer lies in the potential that the vastness of the metaverse and its interconnected network of interactive 3D worlds can generate for healthcare through a modern, liberating, persistent, and dynamic digital experience unlike any other. The resulting remote realism can empower users to do things they cannot do in the physical world, making it highly disruptive and exciting because it can fuel the art of the impossible every hour, every day, and even from home."


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