Analyst Location



Western Europe

Stefanie Naujoks

Research Director

  • By: 

    • Wai Yee Lee Loading
    • Stefanie Naujoks Loading
    • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
    This Industry Go-to-Market Handbook is designed to support technology vendors in building their marketing narrative for the manufacturing industry. It can be used to tailor messaging to industry-specific business priorities, build pertinent...
  • By:  Stefanie Naujoks Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation provides an Industry Conversation Handbook, which is designed to provide general and synthetic knowledge to support salespeople of technology suppliers when they first approach buyers. This handbook aims to igni...
  • By: 

    • Mark Casidsid Loading
    • Stefanie Naujoks Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective outlines key trends in the adoption of customer relationship management (CRM) applications in the manufacturing industry. It highlights the benefits of CRM and provides insights for technology providers on how to...
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