Analyst Location




Western Europe

Jan Hein Bakkers

Senior Research Director, European Infrastructure and Telecoms

  • By: 

    • Matias Cho
    • Chris Silberberg Loading
    • Ahmad Latif Ali Loading
    • Bruno Teyton Loading
    • Daniela Rao Loading
    • Masarra Mohamed Loading
    • Jan Hein Bakkers Loading
    • John Gole Loading
    • James Eibisch Loading
    • Rahiel Nasir Loading
    • Leonardo Freitas Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation presents a playbook for incumbent telecommunications operators in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. It provides a concise future-state view of the EMEA telecoms market; insights into the industry's digital tr...
  • By: 

    • James Eibisch Loading
    • Jan Hein Bakkers Loading
    • Melissa Holtz-Fremeijer Loading
    • Graham Fruin Loading
    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides network and communications service providers with insights into the development of the enterprise WAN, voice, and communications-platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) markets in Europe. It provides an o...
  • By:  Jan Hein Bakkers Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation was delivered at industry events and customer meetings in June 2024. It analyzes major trends and dynamics in the European wholesale telecoms market and provides guidance for industry players.
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  • EMEA Wholesale Telecoms Market Analysis Perspective


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    • Jan Hein Bakkers Loading


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    Jan Hein Bakkers Loading


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    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Presentation Tech Supplier

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