Artificial Intelligence and Automation Team

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Andrew Gens

Research Analyst, AI Software

Nina Turner

Research Director, Semiconductor Technology Supply Chain Intelligence; Enabling Technologies: AI and Automotive Semiconductors

Madhumitha Sathish

Research Manager, High Performance Computing

Heather West, PhD

Research Manager, Performance Intensive Computing, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ritu Jyoti

Group Vice President, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence and Automation Research Practice Global AI Research Lead

David Schubmehl

Research Vice President, Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

Hayley Sutherland

Research Manager, Conversational AI & Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

Maureen Fleming

Program VP, Worldwide Intelligent Process Automation Market Research and Advisory Service

Shari Lava

Research Director, Automation within the AI and Automation Group

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

Jennifer Hamel

Senior Research Director, Enterprise Intelligence Services

Neil Ward-Dutton

VP Automation, AI & Analytics Europe

Mary Wardley

Program Vice President, Customer Care and CRM

Jennifer Cooke

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Pietro Delai

Research Director, Latin America Enterprise Infrastructure and Cloud Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Harish Dunakhe

Research Director, Software and Cloud, META IDC

Peter Rutten

Research Vice-President, Performance Intensive Computing, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Shane Rau

Research Vice President, Computing Semiconductors

Yanxia Lu

Research Director

Nobuko Iisaka

Research Manager, Software & Services, Research, IDC Japan

Lily Phan

Research Director

Anne Cheng

Research Manager

Rakesh Patni

Associate Research Director

New Research

  • By: 

    • Anne Cheng Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    这份 IDC PeerScape 报告引用并介绍了分别来自国有大型银行与股份制商业银行、保险机构、食品零售企业、能源企业的智能决策的落地实施经验,总结了最终用户在建设智能决策应用时所遇到的常见挑战,介绍了与之相关的实践案例,并为行业用户提供相关指导建议,供读者借鉴。IDC 人工智能高级分析师程荫表示:“智能决策将在未来5年得到全面发展,并逐步带来提升的业务价值,在此背景下,企业既需要确保数据的可获得(包括多来源的结构化数据和非结构化数据),也需要促使IT部门与业务部门紧密合作...
  • By: 

    • Juliana Beauvais
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Meike Escherich Loading
    • Lily Phan Loading
    • Zachary Chertok Loading
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation explores the top 10 workplace management trends for 2022. As organizations reenvision the role and composition of physical workplaces, many are also planning more deliberate digital workspace integrations. I...
  • By:  Neil Ward-Dutton Loading

    This IDC PeerScape describes four practices for minimizing risks and maximizing the potential returns associated with launching a process mining initiative: start with a problem that matters, build blended teams, work iteratively and demons...
  • By:  Mary Wardley Loading

    This IDC Perspective presents data from six waves of IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, conducted from April 2021 to October 2021. Highlighted is the consistency of business priorities as reported by survey respondents ...
  • By:  Jennifer Cooke Loading

    This IDC PeerScape outlines three challenges IT leaders face when deploying and managing IT services in new edge locations."Edge IT service is enabling innovation and shift to digital-first operations and interactions. More than ever before...
  • By: 

    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Hayley Sutherland Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses and summarizes lessons learned from IDC's evaluation of conversational AI platform vendors and how their customers are developing and deploying conversational AI solutions to address a wide variety of use case...
  • By:  Jennifer Cooke Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation outlines key considerations for organizations as they extend IT service to new edge locations. Edge IT resources are an integral part of enabling the shift to digital-first business. Organizations understand...
  • By:  Jennifer Hamel Loading

    IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue <$100 million that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology — or both. This IDC Innovators study profiles three vendors in intelligent autom...
  • By:  Jennifer Hamel Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation discusses what organizations perceive as their top security and privacy challenges related to analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and the methods they expect to use to improve their security...
  • By:  Ritu Jyoti Loading

    This IDC Perspective covers the importance of a solid data strategy for AI. It includes the current challenges and provides guidance on putting together a foundational data strategy for AI. It covers data strategy for AI goals and component...

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