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Digital Enterprise Cloud Planning

Steps for effective cloud strategy, from establishing metrics to ongoing compliance and management.

Free for IDC’s IT Executive Programs clients.
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Free for IDC’s IT Executive Programs clients.
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By 2022, 35% of all productions apps will be cloud native

What is success in cloud adoption?

Organizations are heavily committed to and invested in cloud - over 74% of organizations are currently using SaaS and over 50% or organizations are using PaaS and IaaS. The adoption of cloud comes with a whole host of new hurdles from adoption strategies to cloud economics to multi-cloud management strategies.


Get the tools necessary to address security, choose vendors and successfully develop and manage your cloud services and roadmap.


The cloud services model is no longer something enterprises need to develop "competency" in; they need to master the cloud. A majority of hardware and a larger majority of software is now built for cloud deployment. Understanding and measuring your success in mastering cloud paves the way to the future enterprise and avoids major problems that can result from a poorly implemented cloud strategy.


Maintaining and measuring a cloud strategy for the digital enterprise includes these steps:

  • Establish metrics to measure your cloud program
  • Maintain compliance in the cloud
  • Manage multiple clouds effectively
  • Assess vendors

By 2022, 35% of all productions apps will be cloud native

Explore Other Related Modules

  1. Employing Appropriate AI Technologies

  2. Architecting and Developing the Digital Platform

  3. Developing an Information Transformation Program

  4. Employing Data Management and Analytics Technologies

Successful DX efforts have measurable, achievable and supported goals, strategy and KPIs

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives