Nurturing Innovation Culture in the Future Enterprise

Start Up Qualities

Feed innovation with these qualities

  • Mission Driven
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Customer Driven
  • Persistent
  • Data Informed
  • Experimental & Risk Seeking
  • Few "Corporate Trappings"
  • Accountable & Empowering

Free for IDC’s IEP clients.

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Plan and lead your organization towards a more innovative, start-up culture and learn techniques and ways to work with innovative tech start-ups.

The Future Enterprise is a Digital Native

Growing enterprises, regardless of age or industry, are striving to become "digital natives" in the way their executives and employees think, produce and operate. IDC defines a DNE as an entity that can scale and innovate magnitudes faster than traditional businesses.

What: Helps CIOs and high-level IT leaders plan and lead the organization towards a more innovative, start-up culture and learn best ways to work with innovative tech start-ups.

Why: Industry leaders and companies with the largest growth depend on their ability to innovate and disrupt existing business/ industries.

To stay competitive, organizations need to learn to innovate more rapidly, stay in touch with customer needs, harness real-time data and decision-making, and incorporate innovative technologies. This requires a more open, innovative culture that can provide alignment to strategic priorities, programs and processes.

How: One part of becoming a digital native enterprise is changing your organizational culture to be more innovative or "start-up", with these steps:

  • Assess the Current Culture
  • Create an Enduring Start-Up Culture
  • Employ Innovation Strategies
  • Work with Start ups

Successful DX efforts have measurable, achievable and
supported goals, strategy and KPIs